Monday, February 1, 2010

Kate Plays Ground Download Should I Try And Do Something For Her, Or Move On And Forget About Her?

Should I try and do something for her, or move on and forget about her? - kate plays ground download

For about 10 years of my life, my family and a family, a close relative. It was very bad and we all went our way. I am still very close with his sister a stage, "Claire." The other, 'Kate' was clearly a psychological disorder, but his immediate family stupid game, because there is nothing wrong. I've heard stories of "Claire" as "Kate" is even in dangerous situations. (For example, a fireplace in your room, steal the car with her mother and friends, and crashed because he was mad. (As she and her 3 friends were inside), etc..) None of the reports about his family or trying to help. They are simply stupid and nothing happens.

Well, the other day I saw on Facebook and check their Facebook page. She was so small for a life. His whole life will be solved by the movement to / stoned, drunk and horny, looking for the camera. It is dangerous and is authorized to do what he wants. Frankly, I think nothing will happen until the day he will kill somebody.

She is now 17 years.

Should I try to do something about it? Call someone? And if so, who?

We have a bad country, and though I never again agree, I still want him to go in that direction. During the 10 years of my life, she was my little sister and she is now .... very dangerous out of control child.

So, what should I do? Try anonymously contact someone, or before? I truly believe that someone could kill, one day, when the "voice" or simply because they are dangerous.


Michelle... said...

Claire or try to communicate with his parents and explain what is happening and fear
Kate suicide one day or another person may think it is their fault, because he never told anyone about this, and I do not think that it is their fault
Claire call and tell him that he was very concerned by Kate
and tell your parents, and if I turn to her and say:
If nothing else works, then I want to know is that it
But remember if he kills someone, then it is not his fault, and he tried to stop his
in sorry if I try to help advise is really bad

Alana said...

Try to talk to her, she will not help your problem, you can not help everyone.
If this does not help, go,

Erica said...

She needs help and his family to help because he wanted to ignore what is new.

She hears voices? Maybe you should try to see a consultant.

Sarah said...

I would say talk to someone anonymously, you can try to help.

I know she is evil, but it's better than leaving it, it could hurt people and yourself

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