Saturday, January 23, 2010

Earthquake Home Insurance Why Is Home Insurance Limited To Each And Every Different Type Of Disaster?

Why is home insurance limited to each and every different type of disaster? - earthquake home insurance

The house is habitable or not habitable ... no matter what the disaster destroyed home ..

Why, then, is that you pay extra for any kind of circumstances to be? An accident is an accident .... a disaster is a disaster ... the only house to be burned, can be flooded, distroy earthquake / tornado / Hurricaine ONCE .. Why pay more for insurance for all different forms-wise?

How is wrapped? And why? Why? It is when you are not entitled, is not something from the money spent, year after year?

Once again you have the amount of the insured value of the house .. What difference does it make if you replaced the money, as the house, "" already in insurance premiums? Why not spend the premium instead of a second home?

Just add in the dark here and the many complaints that I heard from my elders recently railed .. their solutions were hysterical .. I would like to hear more solutions.

1 comment:

Don,The said...

He used the words paid for pay, money, spending, and they are all correct. It's all about money, especially yours, and how can the insurance industry to steal (to).

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