Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Certificate Of Authority Number Is Sales Tax Id The Same As EIN?

Is sales tax id the same as EIN? - certificate of authority number

Recently, I received is my testimony of the Authority and the identification number on the paper the same as A, which was given to me when I applied online. A is the number of sales tax on my ID?


12345678... said...

The sales tax is generally the same as the number of # EIN - Employee Identification (Tax ID #). Check with your state for more information.

For respondents before, during certain states is its own identification number, using Federal Tax ID # (EIN #) will be accepted at all levels, including the filing of tax returns.

Homeless said...

It is a federal EIN, a state A, and the number of state sales tax. All 3 are different. I have never heard a certificate of approval. If you are in the U.S. or UK?

Homeless said...

It is a federal EIN, a state A, and the number of state sales tax. All 3 are different. I have never heard a certificate of approval. If you are in the U.S. or UK?

Sharon T said...

Some states use the EIN of other Fed expressed their own number. Governmental authority may resolve the matter for you.

Judy said...

In the PC are different, but that could not be applied to all states.

Judy said...

In the PC are different, but that could not be applied to all states.

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