Tuesday, January 26, 2010

What Are The Effects Of Worms My Puppy Has Worms, Does This Effect My Other Pets?

My puppy has worms, does this effect my other pets? - what are the effects of worms

My dog has worms, which we realize only a few days earlier. The person that many animals and are very good and do not forget also that he tried to chip - he did not. She said she had been treated with maggots - not. The thing is, I wonder how long it takes to get rid of them, my dog with worms, in fact my other animals: dogs and 2 cats?


Anonymous said...

Depends on the type of worms your puppy. Ascariasis, hook, etc. are contagious, tapeworms, but require that you have taken your dog a flea. The treatment is usually very fast - one of 2 doses, depending on what s / ha

First order of business is to determine what is, is the second to deal with. Collect At the moment, their excrement is probably a good idea. His other animals get to their species (depending), so it does not help pick up debris. If you do not, then you also have to be dewormed. The strips are treated as signs of infestation in the mire of his dog - namely, segments that were approved.


Veterinary Technician, 17 years, from 5 dogs and 11 cats!

Anonymous said...

Yes, it is possible that the dogs (and cats), depending on the type of parasite to get the puppy. It is also possible for human infection caused by roundworms and hookworms are in very young dogs and cats and can cause infections in humans, such a common grave consequences such as blindness.

Since your puppy has worms, it is very likely that the yard where the dog is already contaminated deficate and eggs and larvae can remain infectious for months or even 10 years. Therefore, it is important that you get your puppy on a deworming program. The Centers for Disease Control recommends deworming puppies every 2 weeks until it starts in a month are not endemic, also deals with the gastro-intestinal parasites prevent.

You must take your dog to a veterinary examination, and also talk to your veterinarian about the need for their animals to other treatment.

Anonymous said...

I use Panaccur Worms C for roundworms, hookworms, worms, whip worms and tape. There are different color boxes for different weights. Make sure you check the box to the weight of your pet, who as a treatment for three days. Even if other animals can also be infected. Get the same kind of Wormer for your ad to another dog or cat found Wormer. You can power down at the vet for dietary supplements or your local animal. I hope that for their health and clarified. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

well not to hang any animals caught to other animals. Now, animals can receive all kinds of worms, some you can see, other than poorly to symptoms and illness led to a vet to know that it is a kind of verse. Normally you can see the worms, small grains such as rice, tapeworms are eating and stopped by the animal on a chip. The animal accidentally takes in the flea, because you have noticed, tend animals in a place where the chewing itching to scratch, instead of scratching with the feet? Well preserved if other animals, worms, will be because their sick puppies again not easy, is it because they also take a flea in one way or another. What, in my opinion, take the dog to the vet and the treatment against worms and prevention of fleas good buy for him. If you can not pay the vet, then you should not have pets because they need veterinary care throughout their lives. Nevertheless, if the puppy has diarhea Pedialyte or vomiting, so that they die of dehydration and get the vet soon!!

Anonymous said...

Yes ... Effect may even people. Seriously

Take the dog to the vet and medication obtained for worms. You may need to give medication to any animal in the house. Talk to your veterinarian.

You could take a stool sample to the vet to ensure that the new dog diagnosed correctly and get the right drugs.

Anonymous said...

Yes you can. my dog has worms, and best friend should not leave. be sure not to sleep together and Hangin 'Out

Anonymous said...

Yes, you can give your puppy both worms and fleas on your pet from others (and you). In any case, want to have him wormed and bathed, and do the same for your other pets as a precaution.

Anonymous said...

Yes, you can give your puppy both worms and fleas on your pet from others (and you). In any case, want to have him wormed and bathed, and do the same for your other pets as a precaution.

Anonymous said...

Yes, you can give your puppy both worms and fleas on your pet from others (and you). In any case, want to have him wormed and bathed, and do the same for your other pets as a precaution.

Anonymous said...

Yes, the dogs, the worms must be treated with Panacur Wormer calls close, it is repeated by the weight and three days, then in two weeks.The Wormer can be purchased at any veterinary clinics.

Anonymous said...

Yes, the dogs, the worms must be treated with Panacur Wormer calls close, it is repeated by the weight and three days, then in two weeks.The Wormer can be purchased at any veterinary clinics.

Anonymous said...

Depends on the type of worms your puppy. Ascariasis, hook, etc. are contagious, tapeworms, but require that you have taken your dog a flea. The treatment is usually very fast - one of 2 doses, depending on what s / ha

First order of business is to determine what is, is the second to deal with. Collect At the moment, their excrement is probably a good idea. His other animals get to their species (depending), so it does not help pick up debris. If you do not, then you also have to be dewormed. The strips are treated as signs of infestation in the mire of his dog - namely, segments that were approved.


Veterinary Technician, 17 years, from 5 dogs and 11 cats!

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